Project Description
UCalgary wanted to promote their upcoming Alumni Weekend. I was given an approved word doc and the logo which I designed. There was no previously developed look or anything, so I was also tasked with creating a branded look and feel for the campaign. I was handed this design project with two days to develop a look for three campaign ads for public consumption.
So, in a situation like that, you just need to get creative in a quick and decisive way. I chose to go with authentic event photography from previous Alumni Weekend event days, but the boring side of the ads were a little more open to interpretation. Stock imagery and a photo of my own garage seemed to fit the bill quite well. The design and creative was approved on round one and I then had to resolve the pieces into all horizontal and vertical iterations. Everything from small digital screens to 5ft high transit posters.
These three creative pieces spoke to different demographics that UCalgary hoped to attract to Alumni Weekend.